11 Drag link end to destination socket. Press Esc to cancel.
12 Drop link end in socket. Press Esc to cancel.
15 Drag box to move it and its connected links. Right click to view its properties.
17 Drag to create a link. Right click to view properties
19 Drag a rectangle over boxes to select. Press Esc to cancel
122 Some files that the filter graph uses are no longer available.
127 File not found.
128 Access denied.
129 The specified file is of the wrong format.
130 There are too many files open.
131 Out of memory.
132 The filename is invalid.
133 An error occurred while attempting to open the file.
134 The specified file is in use by another application.
135 (Read only)
136 The graph was unable to complete pause within 10 seconds.\nPress Retry to wait another 10 seconds for completion\nor Cancel to attempt to stop the graph.
137 The device is not ready.
146 The graph failed to load.
151 IGraphConfig::Reconnect() is used to reconnect two pins.
153 The asynchronous IGraphConfig::Reconnect() operation succeeded.
154 The asynchronous IGraphConfig::Reconnect() operation failed because the following error occurred: %#010x.
155 The IGraphConfig::Reconnect() operation can not be completed immediately. Graph Edit will notify you when it completes.
156 Step forward one frame
200 Increase Zoom Level
201 Decrease Zoom Level
1000 Move Box
1001 Move Boxes
1002 Add Filter
1003 Delete
1005 Connect
1006 Add filter to filter cache
2000 &Undo %s Ctrl+Z
2001 &Redo %s Ctrl+Y
2002 R&epeat %s Ctrl+Y
2003 Media files
2004 Text Files (*.txt) | *.txt||
2005 Select an input file for this filter to use
2006 Select an output file for this filter to use
2007 DirectShow Filters
32770 Render a media file
32771 Set the log file
32783 Remove all connections between filters
32785 Pause the graph
32786 Play the graph
32787 Attempt to render the output from this pin
32789 Attempt to render this pin
32800 Rearrange the filters in this graph on refresh
32801 Repaint the filters in this graph
32803 View and set the properties of this object
32805 Save the current contents of the performance log to a file
32807 Stop the graph
32808 Use the default clock if set, or use no clock (unsynchronized) otherwise
32809 Reset the contents of the performance log
32810 Use intelligent connection mechanism if set
32811 Use one of the filter-provided clocks
32812 Insert a filter into the graph
32813 Save the active document as an HTML page
32814 Render a URL
32815 Save the active document as an XML document
32816 Zoom to 25% of normal size
32817 Zoom to 50% of normal size
32818 Zoom to 100% of normal size
32819 Zoom to 200% of normal size
32820 Connect to a running graph in another application
32821 Show statistics about the active graph
32822 Add a filter to the filter cache
32823 List all filters in the filter cache
32841 Zoom to 75% of normal size
32842 Zoom to 150% of normal size
32844 Disconnect from a connected remote graph
32847 Show or hide the seek bar
32853 Resize main window to fit graph contents when adding/removing filters
32854 Save/restore application settings on exit
57344 GraphEdit
57345 Ready
57600 Create a new filter graph
57601 Open an existing graph or media file
57603 Save the active filter graph
57604 Save the active filter graph with a new name
57605 Change the printer page options
57606 Change the printer and printing options
57607 Print the active document
57609 Print Preview the active document
57616 Open this document
57617 Open this document
57618 Open this document
57619 Open this document
57620 Open this document
57621 Open this document
57622 Open this document
57623 Open this document
57632 Erase the selection
57633 Erase everything
57634 Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard
57635 Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard
57636 Find the specified text
57637 Insert Clipboard contents
57640 Repeat the last action
57641 Replace specific text with different text
57642 Select the entire document
57643 Undo the last action
57644 Redo the previously undone action
57664 Display program information, version number and copyright
57665 Quit GraphEdit (with prompts to save documents)
57666 Display Help Contents
59136 EXT
59137 CAP
59138 NUM
59139 SCRL
59140 OVR
59141 REC
59392 Show or hide the toolbar
59393 Show or hide the status bar
61184 Change the window size
61185 Change the window position
61186 Reduce the window to an icon
61187 Enlarge the window to full size
61188 Switch to the next document window
61189 Switch to the previous document window
61190 Close the active window and prompt to save documents
61202 Restore the window to normal size
61203 Activate Task List
61215 Activate this window
61216 These filters cannot agree on a connection. Verify type compatibility of input pin and output pin.
61217 DirectShow core components failed to initialize. Have you registered them and placed them on the path?
61218 The filter could not be created. Resources used by this filter may already be in use.
61219 Sorry, the Filter Graph cannot render this pin.
61220 Could not construct a graph from this file.\n\n- Have you installed all necessary filters?\n- Note that the 'Render File' menu option cannot render *.GRF files.
61221 Could not add a source filter for this file.
61222 Some of the filters could not be created. Resources used by this filter may already be in use.
61224 This graph can't play.
61225 Some filters reported an error while pausing. The filter graph might be in an inconsistent state. Use STOP to reset the graph.
61226 Some filters reported an error while stopping. The graph may become unpredictable.
61227 The requested property page could not be displayed.
61228 Disconnect All
61229 Render
61231 Render file
61232 Some pins could not be rendered.
61233 Save Log to File
61234 Could not create log file
61235 The graph could not change state.
61236 Some filters in this graph cannot play. Is the rest of the graph playing?
61237 Could not get interface from component.
61238 Close
61239 Cancel
61240 Could not find save routine in performance library.
61241 Msr_Dump
61242 measure.dll
61243 The requested clock could not be set.
61244 Msr_Control
61245 Could not find control routine in performance library.
61246 This filter cannot be added to the graph.
61247 Cannot connect two input pins.
61248 Cannot connect two output pins.
61249 OK
61250 Apply
61251 Help
61252 The filter does not provide a reference clock!
61253 Failed to set the selected reference clock.
61254 Filter failed to load file.
61255 Failed to save the document.
61256 Could not find termination routine in performance library.
61257 Msr_Terminate
61259 (Return code: 0x%1!08x!)
61260 htm
61261 HTML Document(*.htm;*.html)|*.htm;*.html||
61262 Unable to create a file.
61263 Error in traversing filter graph. See generated .htm file for details
61265 xgr
61266 XML Graph(*.xgr)|*.xgr||
61267 Unable to create a file
61268 Error in traversing filter graph. See generated XML file for details.
61269 Error in writing to the XML file
61270 The enum cached filters dialog box could not be created.
61273 Connecting to other graphs will not work unless enabled in the registry. Would you like to enable this feature now? NOTE: you will need to restart the target application before this feature will work.
61274 Unable to load GraphEdit.chm help file.
61275 Cannot frame step.
61276 IRunningObjectTable::GetObject() failed!
61277 Can't get access to Running Object Table!
61278 This filter cannot be added to the Favorites list.
61279 This filter cannot be deleted from the Favorites list.